However, something happened today which has changed things for ever - something every real Gangsta 4 Life expects to happen to him at one point or another. That's right - I got shot!

And I don't mean, "I was acting in a film and my character got shot", or "I was out paintballing and one of my friends shot me". No! I mean I was really, completely genuinely shot by a bullet from a rifle!
...After it had ricocheted off a metal plate, broken up, and come back a hundred yards, that is.
The offending bullet fragment, smug bastard! What's he up to? He and that Penny are planning something, I can sense it!
Having been shot, I can now speak on the subject through personal experience - and I can tell you now: That 50 Cent guy is a complete pussy; whining about how he got shot 9 times. Boo-hoo! I mean, Sure, it stung like mad for about 30 seconds, and ached a little for a couple more minutes - but if you're gonna be out on the streets hustling, you gotta be able to take that pain. Luckily, I had my jeans on, and they absorbed most of the hit - however, I have still been left horribly scarred by this ordeal:
You can kind of see a scar - if you squint...
At first, I was going to start a campaign for inner city youths to put down their guns, and come together to learn interpretive dance instead. But then I remembered that this would be the perfect opportunity for me to release my rap demo, so without further Ado, I give you:
Weex Doog feat Jesus T. Rap Demo #3 (2008)
Remember kids: Guns don't kill people - as long as they only ricochet and hit you in the leg without clipping the femoral artery.
Stay Safe!
Just for the record, since this is a couple of years old and people may think it's serious - we did this as a parody after we had wrapped filming on "Hitmen" - a film in which I had a 30 second part at the end as a white Gangsta rapper who got shot for saying "Nigga please!" when he wasn't paid enough. I had the smallest speaking role in that film, but apparently everyone who saw it kept on quoting me, and insisted I had the best part, so I'm happy.
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