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Monday, 26 October 2009

Liebe Ist Fur Alle Da (Video)

Just a general introduction to my blog to let you know what I'm all about, and so you can get a feel for my style (which in this instance included me running out of adjectives and consequently using the phrase "mind blowing" about 7 or 8 times). I bought Rammstein's new album Liebe Ist Fur Alle Da a few day ago, and just thought I'd record my first impressions of the album.

To see the uncut video for the song "Pussy", follow this link: Rammstein - Pussy Video (Uncensored)

Feel free to comment, but no hecklers please! Try and say something constructive. You know, unless it's something really funny...

More Videos coming soon!

The Voice

EDIT: I have since been searching for translations and definitions for the song "Donaukinder", and found this explaination over on

It is about an ecological catastrophy that happaned at the Donau (the river Danube) in 2000, when cyanide from a gold mining operation leaked into the river. The children are referring to the people living at the Danube, a vital river, they are therefore “Children of the Danube/Donaukinder”

I have also been listening to Mutter since I filmed this, and I actually really like the later songs now - they're a bit of a different style to the singles, but actually now that I've heard them a few times, they're all really awesome, so I can definitely recommend Mutter.

You may also have noticed that I now have a title for this Blogspot, taken from the opening lines of the song "Mein Herz Brennt"

1 comment:

  1. Man, I look like Sam Rockwell at the start of "Moon" here. Awesome - starting to think I might grow that beard back now...
